Mariel Lavieri is an Associate Professor and the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. In her work, she applies operations research to healthcare topics. Dr. Lavieri has developed dynamic programming, stochastic control, and continuous, partially observable state space models to guide screening, monitoring, and treatment decisions of chronic disease patients. Among others, her work has been applied to guide the management of glaucoma, macular degeneration, coronary heart disease, cancer, and concussion. She has also created models for health workforce and capacity planning. Dr. Lavieri is the recipient of the MICHR Distinguished Mentor Award, the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the International Conference on Operations Research Young Participant with Most Practical Impact Award, the Bonder Scholarship, the Pierskalla Best Paper Award, and the Sanjay and Panna Mehrotra Research Excellence Award. She was selected to join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s New Voices program. Dr. Lavieri has guided work that won the Medical Decision Making Lee Lusted Award, the INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Award, and the Production and Operations Management Society College of Healthcare Operations Management Best Paper Award. Dr. Lavieri currently serves as the Health Care Department Editor at IISE Transactions and as the President of the Health Applications Society at The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.